Enter The Dragon (1973)


This movie premiered in Los Angeles on 19 August 1973.

Bruce Lee was murdered the previous month, in Hong Kong, on 20 July 1973.

The movie was fully completed before Bruce died. It was his grandest completed movie by a long way. He was on an exponential trajectory.

But it wasn’t his main project at the time – he was simultaneously working on his pet project, Game Of Death, over which he had full control, but sadly it was never completed. A movie called Game Of Death was released 5 years later, using scraps of rehearsal footage made by Bruce, mixed with new footage by other actors – far from the incredible production Bruce intended it to be.

Still, although his attention may have been somewhat on Game Of Death, he was still the highest paid movie star of the time – he was performing in movies since before he could walk or talk, and prided himself on authenticity-rich acting – so he still gave Enter The Dragon plenty of energy. It’s still a fantastic work of art, and a star-studded high-budget blockbuster for its time.


Stay tuned for our exclusive breakdown of Bruce Lee’s Kung Fu in this movie.